Cooperation Agreements

Throughout its history, the CAM Santiago has entered into cross-institutional, practical and academic cooperation agreements with various national and foreign institutions, with the aim of promoting and perfecting the appropriate mechanisms for the peaceful resolution of disputes and the best international practices.

According with the CAM Santiago  Statutes, it is the responsibility of the Executive Director to maintain and promote cross-institutional relations, as well as the dissemination and promotion of appropriate conflict resolution mechanisms, among other things, through the execution of cooperation agreements leading to the improvement and development of arbitration, mediation and dispute boards, tasks that are addressed together with the Office of Studies and International Affairs of the Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Center.

Cross-Intitutional Agreements with foreign arbitration centres

  • Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA).
  • Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw.
  • Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC).
  • Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC).
  • Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation.
  • Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Ecuadorian-American Chamber of Commerce in Quito (AMCHAM Quito).
  • Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission (IACAC) and Centres of the Pacific Alliance:
  • Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL).
  • Center of Arbitration and Conciliation of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (CAC Bogotá).
  • Mediation and Arbitration Center of the Mexico City Chamber of Commerce (CANACO).

Cooperation Agreements with institutions

  • Dispute Resolution Board Foundation.
  • Chilean Construction Chamber (CChC).
  • International Moot of Arbitration (UBA/UR).
  • Inter-American Intellectual Property Association
  • Chilean Judicial Administrative Corporation.
  • Mediación en Red Chile.
  • Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investments and Fisheries (MPCEIP) of Ecuador. Memorandum of Understanding signed at the behest of the World Bank, to promote that eventual arbitrations derived from certain investment disputes between Ecuador and foreign investors, shall be administered by the CAM Santiago.
  • Chilean Association of Private International Law (ADIPRI).
  • Colegio de Mediadores de Chile A.G.
  • Asociación Chilena de Municipalidades.
  • Chile’s Manufacturers’ Association (SOFOFA) & CONAPYME
  • Chilean Construction Chamber (CChC).
  • Banco Estado & Servicio Nacional del Adulto Mayor.
  • Asociación de Emprendedores de Chile.
  • Sistema B.
  • Asociación Nacional de Cooperativas de Chile.
  • Pro Bono (Alianza)
  • ITA Board of Reporters.

Cooperation Agreements with universities

  • Negotiation Program of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
  • Adolfo Ibáñez University.
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
  • LL.M. in Mediation of the Central University.
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso.