Welcome to the Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre

(CAM Santiago)

About Us

About CAM Santiago

We are a non-profit dispute resolution organisation established in 1992 by the Santiago Chamber of Commerce (CCS). We have more than two decades of experience in the management of adequate dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms, providing the national and international community with services such as mediation, arbitration, and dispute boards.

CAM Santiago Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre. Its principal functions are the confection and management of the lists of arbitrators and mediators and the appointment of mediators and arbitrators in the cases administered by the Centre.

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Our Team

Find out more about the professionals who work in the Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre Secretariat and which provides administrative and legal support in the management of the Centre’s services.

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Arbitration Fee Calculators

Our Arbitration Fee Calculators allows the parties to estimate in advance and transparently the referential fees of our national and international arbitral tribunals.

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Key Figures

+ 31

Years managing conflict resolution

+ 678

Civil and commercial mediation cases

+ 6020

Arbitration cases

+ 6319

Remote Hearings

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Our Services

We are aimed to be an efficient dispute resolution organisation. To achieve this purpose, we provide four specialized services in fast and adequate dispute resolution:

Arbitration Fee Calculators

Arbitration Fee Calculators

Our Arbitration Fee Calculators allows the parties to estimate in advance and transparently the Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre’s administrative charges and the referential fees of our national and international arbitral tribunals.

You can begin by entering the amount in dispute in its equivalent in UF or USD and by selecting the number of arbitrators. The result will provide you with a referential idea of the costs involved in the arbitration.

These values are referential, do not have legal consequences and do not absolutely reflect the final costs.

Domestic Arbitration Fees

Our Arbitration Fee Calculators allows the parties to estimate in advance and transparently the Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre’s administrative charges and the referential fees of our national and international arbitral tribunals.

You can begin by entering the amount in dispute in its equivalent in UF  and by selecting the number of arbitrators. The result will provide you with a referential idea of the costs involved in the arbitration.

These values are referential, do not have legal consequences and do not absolutely reflect the final costs.

Tarifas de arbitraje nacional

Calculadora de costos para solicitudes de arbitraje ingresadas desde el 1° de septiembre 2024

International Arbitration Fees

Our Arbitration Fee Calculators allows the parties to estimate in advance and transparently the Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre’s administrative charges and the referential fees of our national and international arbitral tribunals.

You can begin by entering the amount in dispute in its equivalent in USD and by selecting the number of arbitrators. The result will provide you with a referential idea of the costs involved in the arbitration.

These values are referential, do not have legal consequences and do not absolutely reflect the final costs.

Tarifas mediación

Nuestra calculadora permite a las partes de una mediación administrada por el CAM Santiago conocer de forma anticipada las tarifas por concepto de tasa administrativa del centro y honorarios del mediador(a).
Comience incorporando el monto de la disputa en su equivalente en Unidades de Fomento (UF).

Books on Sale

We have edited more than 240 arbitral awards (rendered from 1994 to 2016), anonymized and pseudonymized in 7 books. We have also edited 2 books that contain case law regarding arbitration in the Superior Domestic Courts of Justice of Chile

Frequently Asked Questions

The correct thing to say is CAM Santiago, due to the fact CAM is the Spanish acronym for Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación (CAM). In addition, Santiago refers to the Santiago Chamber of Commerce, whose Spanish institutional acronym is CCS.

In order to obtain a username and password in E-CAM Santiago it is necessary that you prove that you have power of attorney in the case, so that the person in charge of your case (Arbitration Unit or Mediation Unit) can proceed with the creation of your user profile and association to the electronic file.

Desde diciembre de 2020, la Dirección Jurídica y la Unidad de Arbitraje del CAM Santiago se encuentra operando en la segunda sede del CAM, ubicada en San Sebastián 2812, Las Condes.

La Dirección Ejecutiva, la Oficina de Estudios y Relaciones Internacionales, la Unidad de Mediación, la Unidad de Online Dispute Resolution y la Unidad de Finanzas continúan operando en la sede del CAM Santiago ubicada en Monjitas 392, piso 11, Santiago.

The lawyers of the CAM Santiago’s processing units (known in other countries as administrators or case managers) form a professional team that ensures the proper functioning of our arbitration, mediation and dispute board services, and support the parties, their attorneys, arbitrators and mediators throughout our proceedings. These lawyers are a connecting bridge between the different stakeholders in a case and the CAM Santiago. As well, their functions is to coordinate the face-to-face or virtual hearings, the electronic files and the presence of the interveners in the E-CAM Santiago network and are the valid communications between the parties, their attorneys, arbitrators, and mediators.

In Chile, professional practices for law graduates are carried out by the Judicial Assistance Corporation of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (CAJ). They can be carried out in one of its units or in public institutions that have current agreements with the CAJ. On the other hand, unlike legal firms and other institutions, being an administrator of adequate methods of peaceful conflict resolution, the CAM Santiago does not have paralegals, since legal functions are exercised by the lawyers of the Units of Arbitration, Mediation and ODR, Directors and the Office of Studies and International Relations.
Nevertheless, we have a diversity of internship programs for undergraduate, graduates, and postgraduate students in Law, due to institutional agreements we have signed with Universities and entities, both at a national and an international level.

Mediation is a process by which the parties seek to reach a friendly settlement with the assistance of a third party (the mediator), which allows natural and legal persons to have a fast, cheap and effective alternative to resolve their disputes, being able to reach satisfactory agreements and at the same time protect allows to protect business and personal relationships. There are different mechanisms to resolve legal conflicts. Some are “confrontational” or contentious, which imply that both parties must face each other, either in a trial or in arbitration, and prove the facts on which their allegations are based, so that finally a third party decides and imposes a decision. Mediation, on the other hand, is a space for dialogue in which the parties in conflict meet before an impartial mediator, who will guide the conversation aiming for a possible agreement that will resolve and takes into account the proposals of the parties. This process is confidential, quick, and requires that both parties have all the necessary information to take decisions regarding the problems that bind them, as well as possible solutions

In Chile, this type of arbitration is legally regulated in Law Number 19971 on International Commercial Arbitration (2004), which was promoted by the Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre (CAM) in 2003. It is based on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (without the amendments of year 2006). Furthermore, the CAM has created the Rules on International Commercial Arbitration, that have been enforced since 2006. The parties have complete liberty to modify these Rules in their first hearing were the bases of the procedure are established.

Conflicts in the civil and commercial spheres can be resolved through dialogue. This implies less cost for the parties, not only in a financial aspect, but also in terms of time and attention wise. Mediation, unlike a trial, allows maintaining the personal and contractual relationship between the parties, or at least, avoids a further deterioration. Mediation is also a way to prevent new conflicts, because by approaching the case through this appropriate mechanism for the peaceful resolution of conflicts, the parties can reflect on what happened, and thus take measures to prevent its new occurrence. Finally, the collaborative work of both parties generates better solutions because these arise from the parties involved and are not imposed by a third party.

The Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre CAM’s Arbitration Rules establish a maximum period of 6 months to complete arbitration, counted from the notification of the resolution that falls on the lawsuit. This period can be extended for up to 6 more months by the arbitral tribunal deems it necessary (article 4).

«Seminario Práctico Avanzado en Arbitraje Internacional de Inversiones» - Postulaciones abiertas hasta el 15 de mayo de 2022.

Organizan: American University Washington College of Law, el CAM Santiago y la Comisión Interamericana de Arbitraje Comercial (CIAC), con el patrocinio del CIADI | Módulo virtual desde el 23 de mayo al 30 de junio. Módulo presencial desde el 5 al 8 de julio de 2022 en Washington D.C.